It’s our 4th anniversary. We are happy to continue on our mission and we want to celebrate with our entire GAWI community!
As the new spring season has emerged, restoration and revival is all around. We enter a new year of GAWI with the intention to guard our well-being and honor our restoration so that we can show up as our best selves.
We invite parents/guardians also to utilize the skills and practices we are investing in our teens. So please, join us as we practice the mindfulness of our wellbeing as a collective.
On Saturday, April 13th we will have a traditional GAWI enrichment, an introspective and engaging workshop to prepare us for our Gentle Yoga Flow. This is open to all our parents/guardians and our partners to experience as a community.
We’ll have raffles with excellent prizes for the whole family as well as opportunities for our teens, you don’t want to miss. Learn about our new upcoming projects, hear from our families and meet some of our partners + supporters.
If you can’t make it to the workshop at 11am please drop in, from 12 noon -2pm we’ll be celebrating, you don’t miss out on opportunities for your family.
We are honored to be recognized as the Non Profit Beneficiary for the InfluenceHers Launch and Fundraiser on April 14th. To learn more about InfluenceHers click on the link.